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Why does the SOCIOPATHIC NARCISSIST, Omar "Cano" Soto care SOOOO much about WHO I am and WHAT I am??

It makes ya wonder......WHY this....#criminal who is a #CostillaCountySheriffDeputy (Pretending to be powerful when he has ZILCH for actual power.....and is powerless against ME!) cares SOOOOOO much....about who I am.....or not.....WHY he is on a smear campaign against me........when most "NORMAL" people would have paid zero attention to me......and what I am or what I am doing.......SO! As you can plainly see.....this very OVER-THE-TOP overt #Narcissist and #Sociopath is #Mentallyunstable and hell bent on TRYING to stop everything I do! SORRY punk! The REASON OLE trumpy boy is in power so that ALL of the CRAZY NUTS like you get HIGHLIGHTED and then later on......the Government comes and exterminates yo asses like a #BranchDavidian in #WacoTexas!

HAHA! I am ONLY going to hear about it.....and man....this will be some GREAT news too! #OMARSOTO and #ALLOfTheCostillaCountySheriffDeputies!

The Feds are just racking up the charges with EACH nad every action you all take! Danny got his ass FUCKED up when he assaulted that prisoner.......YOUR turn is coming VERY shortly! BYE-BYE you crazy, mentally unstable asshole!

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adam lewis lies
adam lewis lies
Mar 02, 2020

We are curious what makes you think we are the ones that are mentally unstable? All we do is state the truth, and you go off about narcissist and sociopaths and yet never once address the actual truth we bring up. It seems like classic deflection because you don't have an answer. How are you going to run for president?


adam lewis lies
adam lewis lies
Mar 01, 2020

Btw we noticed in a fb post that you are saying Obama has/had spoken to you? Oh really??? I'm going to challenge you on this a state it as a lie.


adam lewis lies
adam lewis lies
Feb 29, 2020

Why are you such an ungrateful son of a bitch? Every place that takes you in because you are broke and homeless. You think you are above approach, that you don't have to conform to the rules. You are so ungrateful and for this reason you will always be homeless.


adam lewis lies
adam lewis lies
Feb 29, 2020

First off, it's hilarious that you actually think we are the police. Or do you still think we are miley Cyrus? Secondly, we care because you are using your lies to manipulate those around you into a false sense of something..something you are clearly not-royalty. Real royal people don't spend their lives convincing those around them they are royal. Real royal people don't tell other people how to talk to them. Real royal people are not homeless people who wear diapers. ADAM LEWIS YOU ARE NOT A PRINCE.

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