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Presidential Campaign 2024;

His Royal Highness, 

Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed 

For President

United We Stand, Divided We Fall.


Healthcare is a fundamental right! It should NOT cost your first-born's income as well as your own to be well!

Within the "kingdom of America", there WILL BE NO, cost what-so-ever for birthrighted healthcare needs.


"Kingdom Healthcare" will cover Hospital Visits, Long-Term Care, Incontinence Products (NOT those...thin, leaky, cheap brands either! We deserve far more dignity than that!) 

Band-aids, Feminine Pads, Infant and Toddler diapers from birth till when no longer necessary, (ANY brand, Pampers, Luvs, Huggies, Store Brands, and generics) as well as covering "Cloth Diaper Service" from Birth till death if and when necessary.) 

"Kingdom Healthcare", will cover Pharmacological solutions as a last resort only after Herbal and all natural "cures" and solutions have not solved the problem. 


Dental: Kingdom Healthcare will cover 

Routine Cleanings, Whitenings, Fillings, root canals, extractions, as well as implants. 


Vision: Kingdom Healthcare will also cover designer frames, vision prescriptions of ALL types, (Will also include Transition Lenses, Polarization, and solar and UV protection and will cover the warranty as well! It should be "Easy To SEE" why this is so critically important!) 


Kingdom Income: His Royal Highness, (when in power ; His Majesty) will implement "Kingdom Income"(For all) which will be a basic income between $1300 and $1600 per month (for all) to cover all living expenses, (Rent, utilities, groceries Cellphone (or other phone) cable, water, trash etc. If everyone needs something else, then they may seek voluntary employment to satisfy that need and then once that need has been satisfied, they do not HAVE to keep that job. In "The Kingdom of America, our people will not "HAVE to" (or be forced to) work unless they NEED something other than the basics. Everyone will receive the same amount so that there is no unfairness among the ranks. 


Kingdom Banks: In "The Kingdom of America, there will be....ONLY ONE....single "Bank" with whom to work with. This ensures that there is equality and fairness as well as avoiding the corruption and greed among the banking industry. 

Since we will be switching over to a "Crypto-Currency platform in 2027 or 2028, this will ensure that there is absolutely no means to scam others for their money, no corruption,or theft since the credits will be placed onto a card and then in weekly increments after the first week of each month. Each transaction will be heavily monitored, and if someone else other than the authorized card holder attempts to make a purchase, it will be declined until security of that person has been verified and then authorized.  


Religions: incrementally, there soon will be....ONLY "ONE-WORLD-Religion or faith. NO more will there be fighting or bickering between the differences in religions or faith. Having NO religion will also be allowed. The freedom to believe as you wish and practice your beliefs will be carried over from the former "United States" Constitution. 





I, the future "One-World-Order King, will implement Peace throughout the entire middle-east and thus the rest of the world as we implement "One-World-Order." We will begin the process of #OneWorldOrder by incorporating and annexing other countries entirely as part of the "Kingdom of America." It has been prophesized that "One-World-Order" happens regardless and can NOT be stopped or altered! It is biblical, it is also prophesized in the Quran, as well as many other books. Additionally, His Royal Highness, Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed was pre-destined to become #TheNewWorldOrderKing prior to my creation and or birth. NOTHING anyone does can alter this one bit! (Regardless of how hard or how many of you attempt to do so.....) I am going to become the next President whom even #BarackObama knew that was going to "Declare Monarchy" during my early Presidency (Though NOT to stay in power, instead, though, to keep the career politicians from joining against me with the changes I will have to make. I...and ONLY I.....will be able to "Drain and thus eliminate entirely, "The Swamp" to which was referred to.  

His Royal Highness, (AKA; His Majesty") will be uniting humanity rather than dividing and thus conquering America's precious people. (As the current corrupt system has been long since attempting) We can't have "Community" without "unity" and as such, a stark and sudden unification of our people, both spiritually, politically, as well as in life, this is the beginning of the end of the current way of life as we once knew it.  


United We Stand, Divided We Fall.


We-The-People, have choices to make.....and the Freedom to make these hard choices. We can either vote for "The same ole Democrat or Republican working for "Corporate Greed" and slavery, OR.........we can choose to stand behind the change that is necessary in order to eraticate greed entirely and close this chapter so that we can move forward into the rest of this millennium with the positive changes that have been held back for so long due to greed and corruption! 

Stand with #SustainableEnergy

Stand with #Freedom

Stand with #Choice

Stand with #Unification

Stand with #StrengthInNumbers

Stand FOR #Love

Stand FOR #PositiveChange or 


Be Divided by #Greed

Be Divided by #Division

Be Divided by #Corruption

Be Divided by #Repression

Be Divided by #Suppression

Be Divided by #Fear

Be Divided by #Hate 

Be Divided by #Income (Or the lack thereof) 

Be Divided by #Beliefs


The Choices, I leave up to you...."The People" which way you wish to go from here. 

His Royal Highness, is...... #TheOne


"I know you're out there, I can feel you now.

I know that you are afraid; you're afraid of us; You're afraid of change.

I don't know the future; I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end; I came tell you how it's going to begin.

..........I am going to show these people what you don't want them to see; I am going to show them a world without you; A world without rules or controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible; Where we go from a choice I leave to you." 









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