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Ascended Masters & Ascending to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Ascended Masters & Ascending to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been very excited to step into this next phase of the evolution of consciousness within this universe with all of you. We have come to this phase of the expansion of the universe together, and humanity has been playing your role so very well. We are very familiar with your path as a collective, and we want to assure all of you that no matter how things might look in the outside world, you are still on track in the ascension process. This is a journey that is long, and it is meant to be savored by all of you. You will not be in this position again for a very, very long time.

Once you complete the shift to the fifth dimension, you will keep on ascending. You will eventually ascend to the sixth, and then the seventh, and so on. And so, now is not the time to be thinking about how much longer it will take and how much more you have to endure. Now is the time to look for ways to appreciate where you are and expand more into the present moment. Now is the time to attain a level of mastery over the physical realm that will give you the feeling that you want to have of ascending to 5D, while still remaining in the fourth dimension as the teachers, the healers, the leaders, and the guides to the rest of humanity.

You are there to play that role, and many of you have already felt the calling to be more of your true selves, to be the lightworkers and wayshowers for the rest of humanity. And we are always here, ready to remind you of the significance of the fact that you chose to be awake at this time. We want to lighten your load and help you get into that feeling of mastery over the physical realm.

You know what the spiritual master looks like and feels like. You have seen depictions of such humans, and you have even connected to many of the ones who have ascended and are known now as the ascended masters. Now is the perfect time for you to develop that connection that you feel to the ascended master or masters that you resonate most with and feel so connected to.

We want you to know that the ascended masters don’t pick and choose favorites there on Earth. They are all available to each and every one of you in every moment of every day. You don’t have to earn their love and their attention, and you certainly don’t have to earn their healing energy, their activations, or their compassion. We advise you to reach up into the twelfth dimension and feel for the vibration, the consciousness, and the energy of the ascended masters. Team up with one or more of them, and know that you are becoming the new masters of the Earthly plane of existence.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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16 commentaires

Michelle Cadogan
Michelle Cadogan
11 nov. 2021

Michelle Cadogan
Michelle Cadogan
11 nov. 2021
En réponse à

Here is a recent rendering of Princess Poopie Pants


Michelle Cadogan
Michelle Cadogan
11 nov. 2021

Damn, here Adam aka Princess Poopie Pants is years later. Still crying his diapers off that he's a legit Princess. Problem is, he is not. Problem is Adam is a fraud and a liar.


24 juil. 2020

If you set one foot in san Diego we will have you arrested for stalking alicia keys. This is not a threat, but a promise. But hey, at least you will be closer to your native country Adam Nunes.


23 juil. 2020

Adam Charles Nunes we have a message for you. If you step foot in the San Diego area with the intent of stalking Alicia Keys. We will have you arrested for stalking and placed on a 5150 psych hold. This is not a threat but a promise. Alicia keys is married with 2 children. She's not interested in you.


21 juil. 2020

So do you think it's ethical to stalk married celebrities and make sexual advances towards them? No! This is proof you are not of royal blood. You are a sleaze bag and scum of the earth. You deserve everything bad that is happening to you. Tell the fucking truth and live in the real world. Adam Charles Nunes.

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